Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms
Have You Recently Experienced Changes In Your Breasts?
Many breast cancer symptoms are invisible to the naked eye without professional screening, but some can be identified early with just a little bit of proactive breast health care. Help ensure your breast are healthy by using the know the symptoms guide straightaway.
What are the symptoms and signs of breast cancer?
Everybody should be aware of the warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and any abnormality should be looked into by a medical professional.
The majority of people with breast cancer symptoms and signs will only initially become aware of one or two of them, and the existence of these symptoms and signs does not necessarily indicate that you have breast cancer.
You can more easily spot any changes in your breast by conducting monthly breast self-exams. If you notice anything unusual, make sure to consult your healthcare provider.
A Change in the Appearance or Feeling of the Breast or Nipple
- Tenderness in the nipples, a lump, or thickening in or around the breasts or underarm region
- A change in the texture of the skin or an enlargement of pores in the breast skin (some compare this to the feel of an orange peel)
- A lump in the breast (It’s important to remember that all lumps should be investigated by a healthcare professional, but not all lumps are cancerous.)
Changes in the Breast Or Nipple Appearance
- Any change in breast size or shape that isn't explained
- Dimpling anywhere on the breast
- Unexplained swelling of the breast (especially if on one side only)
- Breast shrinkage without apparent cause (especially if on one side only)
- Recent breast asymmetry (unusualness or lack of uniformity). Women frequently have one breast that is slightly bigger than the other, but if the asymmetry just started recently, it should be examined.
- Nipple that is slightly inverted or turned inward
- Skin on the breast, areola, or nipple that develops scaly, red, or swollen patches, as well as ridges or pitting that resemble the skin of an orange.
Any Nipple Discharge, Especially Clear or Bloody Discharge
- Furthermore, although it is unrelated to breast cancer, a woman's doctor should be consulted if she experiences a milky discharge while not nursing.
- Inform your doctor of any nipple discharge, whether it is clear, bloody, or milky. Clear or bloody discharges are the most alarming.
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